Messy Church

Church - with a difference for all the family to enjoy together


Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality.

It is normally a two hour event which includes games, crafts, activities, story, singing and a meal.  There is a different theme each time we meet.  We meet approx every 6-8 weeks in the Hulland Ward and District Millennium Village Hall from 3.30pm to 5.30pm.

Our next Messy Church event will be on Saturday 14th September 2024

More details of this session will be posted here nearer the time.

You don’t need to book, you can just turn up as a family and join in with everything that is going on.  However, knowing roughly how many are coming helps for catering purposes.

There is no charge, but donations are welcome.

If you have any questions, please contact us using