
Christ Church, Hulland

[Click on the image above to see a gallery of photos of the church]

We are proud to be an Eco Church were granted our Silver Award in February 2023.
Eco Church provides a useful audit on the nuts and bolts of being the body of Christ in a creation-friendly way. It covers the church’s building, land, worship and teaching, lifestyle of the congregation and community and global engagement.

To find out how we achieved the award… CLICK HERE

Christ Church, Hulland

Our Sunday service times are as follows:

1st Sunday of the month:  Café Praise at 10.00am
(in the village hall next to church)
2nd Sunday of the month: Holy Communion at 10.30am
4th Sunday of the month: Holy Communion at 10.30am

For the monthly rota for all five parishes, click here.

During the months of January and February, the church building is open on Saturdays and Sundays only.
From March to December, the church building is open every day.

We have close links with Hulland Ward CofE VC Primary School.
Click here to be directed to their website.

 Click here for a list of events for Christ Church for 2023.


Church Wardens:

Shirley Gage
Katrina Pipes 


Church Postcode: DE6 3EH

Every August Bank Holiday we host the Hulland Village Show

Some History of the church building can be found here.

Hulland Village Show 2024  

Click the image above to get details of this year’s show.

Click here for PHOTOS of last year’s show

Giving online to support your local parish church

All of our churches have experienced a significant drop in donations during the Covid-19 pandemeic due to there being no services in church, the buildings being closed and not being able to run our usual fundraising activities.

We have, therefore, set up online giving for each of our 5 parishes to help support the ongoing work and ministry of these places of worship that are at the centre of our communities.  Just click on the ‘Please Donate’ image and you will be taken to our secure online giving platform.

If you know of others who might like to support their local church in this way, please share the information with them.

Thank you.