
All Saints, Bradley

[Click on the image above to see a gallery of photos of the church]

All Saints, Bradley

Our Sunday service times are as follows:

1st Sunday of the month:  BCP Holy Communion at 9.00am
3rd Sunday of the month: Holy Communion at 9.00am
(followed by refreshments)

For the rota for Bradley Church responsibilities, click here.

For the monthly rota for all five parishes, click here.

We have close links with Bradley CofE VC Primary School.
Click here to be directed to their website.


Church Warden:

Leon Hart



Church Postcode: DE6 1PG

Our Pipe Organ is poorly


Giving online to support your local parish church

All of our churches have experienced a significant drop in donations during the Covid-19 pandemeic due to there being no services in church, the buildings being closed and not being able to run our usual fundraising activities.

We have, therefore, set up online giving for each of our 5 parishes to help support the ongoing work and ministry of these places of worship that are at the centre of our communities.  Just click on the ‘Please Donate’ image and you will be taken to our secure online giving platform.

If you know of others who might like to support their local church in this way, please share the information with them.

Thank you.