Christingle and Toy Service Photos

Christingle and Toy Service Photos

We had a great Cafe Christingle & Toy Service yesterday.   Here’s a picture of people industriously making their Christingles.  If you couldn’t make the service but would still like to donate a toy or gift for the Salvation Army, Derby Christmas...
Advent Candle Activity

Advent Candle Activity

This Advent Candle Activity has been produced by the Arthur Rank Centre to help people use Advent well and to ‘Do December Differently’. Click here to download it and use it as part of your preparations for Christmas.   Advent Candle Readings and...
Book Review: Wounded I Sing

Book Review: Wounded I Sing

Each year I choose an Advent book to read daily up to Christmas.  This year I have chosen a book that is based on the poems of George Herbert entitled Wounded I Sing.  George Herbert, apart from being a poet, was a country vicar in the 17th century. Actually this is...