Sunday 6th September 2020

Beating the bounds is a centuries-old tradition, aimed at reminding everyone of boundaries that defined their communities and ensured common land was known about and preserved. During Rogationtide—the fifth week after Easter—villagers, with the rector and other local dignitaries, would walk the parish bounds. The children would carry willow wands to beat the boundary markers with, and in some ceremonies children had their heads bumped on boundary stones to imprint them firmly in the memory.





We’re obviously not at that time of year, nor are we suggesting bashing children against rocks, but we have lost all our village events this year and it seems a lovely opportunity to have a bit of a village occasion whilst observing social distancing and maybe establishing a new tradition for Atlow.  The organisers are busily compiling a list of special points of interest and history of the boundary and parish, so if you have any information that would be helpful, please let Kath Smith know on 371996.

The Walk will start from 11.30 onwards from the Village Hall Car Park. Walk on your own, with friends or part of a larger social bubble.





The full boundary is about 7 miles, or there is a sensible half-way version of about 4 miles.  There will be a mid-walk stop at Madge Hill for a picnic:  you can bring your own or book one to be provided for you at Madge Hill.

For those unable or unwilling to walk to Madge Hill a shuttle bus will run from the Village Hall Car Park and back (Tractor and trailer with seats in the trailer)

Please do come  – and bring children; dogs; friends; and family.  It will be a lovely day!

It would be helpful to know how many people are coming, so if you could email me back, or Kath Smith at , or telephone Kath on 371996, that would be brilliant.  Please also let Kath know of any bookings for the shuttle, or for a picnic lunch.