Due to the howling gale this evening, we have postponed the Hulland Ward Carol singing to Christmas Eve.  We’ll be starting near Ashes Avenue at 4pm and will sing a few carols at various locations around Hulland Ward.  Feel free to join us on your doorstep if you would like to.

We will be holding the following events across our parishes in the run up to Christmas.  They have all be risk assessed, they are allowed to happen under the current Covid rules and people will be socially distanced throughout.  If you would like to bring refreshments for your own consumption (not to share), please do.

  • Saturday 19th at 5pm  –  Hognaston village hall car park  –  carol singing
  • Sunday 20th at 3pm  –  Kniveton churchyard  –  a short carol service with singing and readings
  • Sunday 20th at 5pm  –  Atlow ‘triangle’  –  meet to sing carols, then process to churchyard for a short service with singing and readings
  • Wednesday 23rd 7.00pm to 9.00pm –  Hulland Ward  –  a group of singers will go to various points in the village and sing for people on their doorsteps.

Carols sheets for the events can be downloaded opposite.  There is one for all of the events, except for Hognaston which has its own version.  Please download and either print out and bring with you, or read from your screen on the day.