We would like to invite you to join us (online) for a Messy Christingle!
It is on Saturday 5th December at 4.00pm on Zoom for approx. 1 hour. The link is at the bottom of this post.
What you will need:
- Shoebox craft: shoe box or similar sized box (up to A4 size); thin card to go over the top (from cereal packet?); electric tea light or mobile phone torch; pin; map of the world (attached)
- Christingle Character: Template (attached), colour pens or pencils, optional strip of card to go around a child’s head.
- Christingles: packs are being delivered to homes in or near Hulland, but you will need to supply your own orange. If you don’t receive a pack by the end of November, let us know so we can try to get one to you.
- Christingle Biscuits: Rich tea biscuits (or similar), orange icing (pre-made by mixing icing sugar, orange food colouring and a little water), red strawberry laces, raisins or small soft sweets (such as dolly mixtures, jelly tots, smarties or similar), plus white chocolate buttons or white mini marshmallows for the candle, or jelly babies to represent Jesus, the Light of the World.
We have also attached a Christingle poem. It would be great to have 6 volunteers to read a verse each. Let us know in advance if you would like to take part.
At our annual Christingle service at Hulland Church we normally take a collection for the Children’s Society. If you would like to make a donation to the Children’s Society, then please follow this link: https://thyg.uk/CUS045968. You will access our zoom session from this link too.
If you have any questions – don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you soon.
The Messy Church Team.